
I lost de login for my ferst blog. It's bobs-diary.blogspot.com an is still dare if yu want to reminiss!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Well heer I yam on Blogger agen. We can't get into my old blog. We did try the logon help thing, but it jus taykes us rownd in sercols, arsking us the sayme stuff. So I thort, wy not start a new wun an put a link to de uther wun so peepol can go an vizit it. Yu can still put comments dare, an I will still see dem, an I can eevn get my sekritary to arnser dem.

A werd on my sekritry: yu need not worry, I hav had given her a fine talkin to an mayde it absolootly cleer dat if she mislays my logins agen, I shall 'misteeriossly' mislay awl her pants.

Yor orther.


Bob T Bear (esq)


  1. Hallo Bob!!!! I'm so glad yor bak here agen!!! I'll go tell everyone I noe to come visit!!!

  2. Great to have you back blogging. Woodstock knows all about remiss secretary's!!!

    1. Hullo! I'd like to add yu to my list of frends' blogs. Shall I add the address of yor FB page insted? Or Sir Woodstock's blog? I can't get followers badge :(

  3. Bob!!!! It's so good that you're back blogging! I've missed you and your adventures. Good idea givin' your sekrebeary a kick in the bum and a threat of no pants.

  4. I am currently thinkin abowt gettin a new sekritary. I am havin chats wiv Mummy Windowsill Bear.

  5. How wonderful to see you on your own blog again, Bob!

  6. Glad you're back Bob! We sure did miss you!

    1. I mist yu too! An yu send me such cool stuff, now I can rite abowt it!


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